WinDirLister - Hints for Usage
A detailed instruction how to use WinDirlister you will find in the supplied help file. Here you get hints for working more efficiently with WinDirLister. To see the images in bigger dimensions, click on them.
WinDirLister as Search Machine
You can use WinDirLister to search for specific files on your data media. To do this, use the following Options:
in left column:
- one or more options
in right column:
- Include Subfolders
- uncheck Folder Names and Sizes
at the bottom:
- Scan For Structure: No
You modify the term to search for using the wild cards * and ?. The wild card * replaces any character sequence. The wild card ? replaces any single character. Two examples : If you want to search for homophones like rain, reign, or rein, then enter r*n in the Look For field . If you want to search for files with a beginning like glaucester or gloster, then enter gl*ster*.* in the Look For field.
Search for Folders
If you want to know, which folders exist on a drive or inside a folder, use the option Scan For Structure. Choose Windows Explorer or Single Folders.
If you only want to know the folder names, select Windows Explorer or Single Folders and leave the other options unchecked. In the Look For--Field your entry will be automatically changed to *.* .
If you want to know how many subfolders are in a folder, select Single Folders for Scan For Structure and check in the left column Subfolders. If a subfolder has its own subfolders, then they will be counted only on the lower levels, but not on the highest level. Thus, on the highest level of the 'Downloads' folder you will see four subfolders. On the highest level of the 'Microsoft' folder you will see five subfolders. In other words, the Single Folders views is good for precise statistics on all levels of a hierarchy.
You get higher values for the number of subfolders counted from the highest level, when you switch to Scan For Folders: Windows Explorer. The number reflects the amount of all christian louboutin shoes sale Replica christian louboutin shoes subfolders. In other words, this kind of view is good for overall statistics, where a hierarchy is unimportant.
Search for folders containing files of a certain type
If you want to know which folders contain files of a certain type - e.g. *.mp3 - then enter in the Look For field *.mp3.
Use these options:
- Scan For Structure: No
- right column: Include Subfolders
Check the wanted options in the left column. If you have checked Folder Names and Sizes, the additional options are disabled. You will get a list of all mp3 files in the selected folder or drive.
If you select the options:
- Scan For Structure: No
- right column: Include Subfolders, Folder Names and Sizes
you get a list of all folders containing mp3 files including the size of the folders.